Publications of Riho Marja
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in press
Gregory, K. A., Francesiaz, C., Jiguet, F., Crochet, P.A., Bocher, P., Düttmann, H., Elts, J., Fartmann, T., Garthe, S., Kampfer, S., Kruckenberg, H., Marja, R., Piha, M., Schwemmer, P. & Besnard, P. 2025. An integrative framework to combine migratory connectivity and demographic data. - Methods in Ecology and Evolution pdf
Tilgar, V., Elts, J., Tatte, K., Marja, R. 2024. Linking farming practices and landscape elements to nest predation of an iconic farmland wader. - Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 373: 109095. pdf
Bocher, P., Donnez, M., Chenu, A., Sviridova, T., Fort, J., Garthe, S., Jiguet, F., Piha, M., Elts, J., Marja, R., Amélieau, F., Robin, F., Rousseau, P., Schwemmer, P. 2024. Home ranges and hatching success of threatened Eurasian Curlew in north-eastern Europe relates to habitat type: Natural vs. agricultural landscapes. - Global Ecology and Conservation 50: e02851. pdf
Marja, R., Albrecht, M., Herzog, F., Öckinger, E., Segre, H., Kleijn, D. & Batáry, P. 2024. Quantifying potential trade-offs and win-wins between arthropod diversity and yield on cropland under agri-environment schemes – A meta-analysis. - Journal of Environmental Management 353: 120277. pdf
Batáry, P., Marja, R., Gaigher, R., Grass, I. & Báldi, A. 2023. What did we learn from meta-analyses about farmland arthropod conservation? In Dormann, C. F., Batáry, P., Grass, I., Klein, A.-M., Loos, J., Scherber, C., Steffan-Dewenter, I., & Wanger, T. C. [Eds.] Defining Agroecology – A Festschrift for Teja Tscharntke. Tredition, Hamburg, Germany, pages 27–45. pdf
Donnez, M., Schwemmer, P., Fort, J., Garthe, S., Boschert, M., Düttmann, H., Elts, J., Fartmann, T., Fiedler, W., Franks, S., Jiguet, F., ... Marja, R., ... & Bocher, P. 2023. Small space but high diversity: spatial and temporal habitat use by endangered eurasian curlew at wintering sites throughout Europe. - Wetlands 43: 80. pdf
Schwemmer, P., Pederson, R., Haecker, K., Bocher, P., Fort, J., Mercker, M., Jiguet, F., Elts, J., Marja, R., Piha, M., Rousseau, P. & Garthe, S. 2023. Assessing potential conflicts between offshore wind farms and migration patterns of a threatened shorebird species. - Animal Conservation 26: 303-316. pdf
Schwemmer, P., Mercker, M., Haecker, K., Kruckenberg, H., Kampfer, S., Bocher, P., Fort, J., Jiguet, F., Franks, S., Elts, J., Marja, R., Piha, M., Rousseau, P., Pederson, R., Düttmann, H., Fartmann, T. & Garthe, S. 2023. Behavioral responses to offshore windfarms during migration of a declining shorebird species revealed by GPS-telemetry. - Journal of Environmental Management 342: 118131. pdf
Prangel, E., Kasari-Toussaint, L., Neuenkapm, L., Noreika, N., Karise, R., Marja, R., Ingerpuu, N., Kupper, T., Keerberg, L., Oja, E., Meriste, M., Tiitsaar, N. Ivask, M. & Helm, A. 2023. Afforestation and abandonment of semi-natural grasslands lead to biodiversity loss and a decline in ecosystem services and functions. - Journal of Applied Ecology 60: 825-836. pdf
Pederson, R., Bocher, P., Garthe, S., Fort, J., Mercker, M., Auernhammer, V., Boschert, M., Delaporte, P., Elts, J., Fiedler, W., Korniluk, M., Krupinski, D., Marja, R., Rousseau, P., Theiss, L., & Schwemmer, P. 2022. Bird migration in space and time: chain migration by Eurasian curlew Numenius arquata arquata along the East Atlantic Flyway. - Journal of Avian Biology 2022: e02924. pdf
Gallé, R., Korányi, D., Tölgyesi, Cs., Lakatos, T., Marcolin, F., Török, E., Révész, K., Szabó, Á.R., Torma, A., Gallé-Szpisjak, N., Marja, R., Szitár, K., Deák, B. & Batáry, P. 2022. Landscape-scale connetctivity and fragment size determine species composition of grassland fragments. - Basic and Applied Ecology 65: 39-49. pdf
Marja, R., Tscharntke, T., Batáry, P. 2022. Increasing landscape complexity enhances species richness of farmland arthropods, agri-environment schemes also abundance – A meta-analysis. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 326: 107822. pdf corrigendum
Marja, R., Klein, A-M., Viik, E. & Batáry, P. 2021. Environmentally-friendly and organic management practices enable complementary diversification of plant–bumblebee food webs. - Basic and Applied Ecology 53: 164–174. pdf
Jiguet, F., …, Marja, R. (42 Authors) 2019. Desert crossing strategies of migrant songbirds vary between and within species. - Scientific Reports 9: (20248). pdf
Marja, R., Kleijn, D., Tscharntke, T., Klein, A.-M., Frank, T. & Batáry, P. 2019. Effectiveness of agri-environmental management on pollinators is moderated more by ecological contrast than by landscape structure or land-use intensity. - Ecology Letters 22: 1493–1500. abstract
Jiguet, F., …, Marja, R. (31 Authors). 2019. Unravelling migration connectivity reveals unsustainable hunting of the declining ortolan bunting. - Science Advances 5: (5).10.1126/sciadv.aau2642. pdf
Moussy, C., Arlettaz, R., Copete, J.L., Dale, S., Dombrovski, V., Elts, J., Lorrillière, R., Marja, R., Pasquet, E., Piha, M., Rakovic, M., Seimola, T., Selstam, G. & Jiguet, F. 2018. The genetic structure of the European breeding populations of a declining farmland bird, the ortolan bunting (Emberiza hortulana), reveals conservation priorities. - Conservation Genetics 19: 909−922. pdf
Marja, R., Viik, E., Mänd, M., Phillips, J., Klein, A.M. & Batáry, P. 2018. Crop rotation and agri-environment schemes determine bumblebee communities via flower resources. - Journal of Applied Ecology 55: 1714–1724. abstract
Herzon, I., Marja, R., Le Viol, I., Menshikova, S. & Kondratyev, A. 2018. Applying trait-based community metrics of relevance to conservation for understanding community patterns of farmland birds in Northwest Russia - Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 259: 53–60. pdf
Sutcliffe, L., …, Marja, R. (43 Authors) 2015. Harnessing the biodiversity value of Central and Eastern European farmland. - Diversity and Distributions 21: 722–730. pdf
Marja, R., Herzon, I., Viik, E., Elts, J., Mänd, M., Tscharntke, T. & Batáry, P. 2014. Environmentally friendly farming as an intermediate strategy between organic and conventional agriculture to support biodiversity. - Biological Conservation 178: 146–154. abstract
Herzon, I., Marja, R., Menshikova, S. & Kondratyev, A. 2014. Farmland bird communities in an agricultural landscape in Northwest Russia: seasonal and spatial patterns. - Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 183: 78–85. abstract
Marja, R., Herzon, I., Rintala, J.N., Tiainen, J. & Seimola, T. 2013. Drainage type in agriculture modifies habitat value of fields for farmland birds. - Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 165: 184–189. abstract
Marja, R., Uuemaa, E., Mander, Ü., Elts, J. & Truu, J. 2013. Landscape pattern and census area as determinants of the diversity of farmland avifauna in Estonia. - Regional Environmental Change 13: 1013–1020. pdf
Uuemaa, E., Mander, Ü. & Marja, R. 2013. Trends in the use of landscape spatial metrics as landscape indicators: a review. - Ecological Indicators 28: 100–106. abstract
Marja, R. & Herzon, I. 2012. The importance of drainage ditches for farmland birds in agricultural landscapes in the Baltic countries: does field type matter? - Ornis Fennica 89: 170–181. pdf
Uuemaa, E., Antrop, M., Roosaare, J., Marja, R. & Mander, Ü. 2009. Landscape Metrics and Indices: An Overview of Their Use in Landscape Research. - Living Reviews in Landscape Research 3: 1–28. pdf