Publications of Dávid Korányi
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abstract: link to abstract at the journal's homepage. If you need a copy of any of these publications, please, drop me an e-mail.
Korányi, D., Kőrösi, Á., Orosz, A. & Markó, V. 2025. Sap-feeding insects do not respond uniformly to urbanization: The role of urban green spaces and species characteristics. - Global Ecology and Conservation 57: e03397 pdf
Korányi, D., Gallé, R., Torma, A., Gallé-Szpisjak, N. & Batáry, P. 2023. Small grassland fragments and connectivity support high arthropod functional diversity in highly modified landscapes. - Insect Conservation and Diversity 16: 701-711. pdf
Gallé, R., Tölgyesi, Cs., Szabó, Á.R., Korányi, D., Bátori, Z., Hábenczyus, A., Török, E., Révész, K., Torma, A., Gallé-Szpisjak, N., Lakatos, T. & Batáry, P. 2023. Plant invasion and fragmentation indirectly and contrastingly affect native plants and grassland arthropods. - Science of the Total Environment 903: 166199. pdf
Judt, C., Korányi, D., Zaller, J.G. & Batáry, P. 2023. Floral resources and ground covers promote natural enemies but not pest insects in apple orchards: A global meta-analysis. - Science of the Total Environment 903: 166139. pdf
Szitár, K., Tölgyesi, Cs., Deák, B., Gallé, R., Korányi, D. & Batáry, P. 2023. Connectivity and fragment size drive plant dispersal and persistence traits in forest steppe fragments. - Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11:1155885. pdf
Szabó, B., Korányi, D., Gallé, R., Lövei, L.G., Bakonyi, G. & Batáry, P. 2023. Urbanization decreases species richness, and increases abundance in dry climates whereas decreases in wet climates: A global meta-analysis. - Science of the Total Environment 859: 160145. pdf
Gallé, R., Korányi, D., Tölgyesi, Cs., Lakatos, T., Marcolin, F., Török, E., Révész, K., Szabó, Á.R., Torma, A., Gallé-Szpisjak, N., Marja, R., Szitár, K., Deák, B. & Batáry, P. 2022. Landscape-scale connetctivity and fragment size determine species composition of grassland fragments. - Basic and Applied Ecology 65: 39-49. pdf
Korányi, D., Egerer, M., Rusch, A., Szabó, B. & Batáry, P. 2022. Urbanization hampers biological control of insect pests: A global meta-analysis. - Science of the Total Environment 834: 155396. pdf
Korányi, D. & Markó, V. 2022. Host plant identity and condition shape phytophagous insect communities on urban maple (Acer spp.) trees. - Arthropod-Plant Interactions 16: 129–143. pdf
Korányi, D., Gallé, R., Donkó, B., Chamberlain, D. & Batáry, P. 2021. Urbanization does not affect green space bird species richness in a mid-sized city. - Urban Ecosystems 24: 789–800. pdf
Korányi, D., Szigeti, V., Mezőfi, L., Kondorosy, E. & Markó, V. 2021. Urbanization alters the abundance and composition of predator communities and leads to aphid outbreaks on urban trees. - Urban Ecosystems 24: 571–586. pdf
Kuli-Révész, K., Korányi, D., Lakatos, T., Szabó, Á.R., Batáry, P. & Gallé, R. 2021. Smaller and isolated grassland fragments are exposed to stronger seed and insect predation in habitat edges. - Forests 12: 103670. pdf
Mezőfi, L., Markó, G., Nagy, Cs., Korányi, D. & Markó, V. 2020. Beyond polyphagy and opportunism: natural prey of hunting spiders in the canopy of apple trees. - PeerJ 8: e9334. pdf
Vétek, G., Korányi, D., Mezőfi, L., Bodor, J., Pénzes, B. & Olmi, M. 2019. Neodryinus typhlocybae, a biological control agent of Metcalfa pruinosa, spreading in Hungary and reaching Slovakia. - Bulletin of Insectology 72: 1–11. pdf
Vétek, G., Károlyi, B., Mészáros, Á., Horváth, D. & Korányi, D. 2018. The invasive brown marmorated stink bug (Halyomorpha halys) is now widespread in Hungary. - Entomologia Generalis 38: 3–14. abstract
Korányi, D., Markó, V., Haltrich, A. & Orosz, A. 2018. First records of Latilica maculipes (Hemiptera: Issidae) and Synophropsis lauri (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) in Hungary. - Opuscula Zoologica 49: 71–75. pdf
Korányi, D., Markó, V. & Kondorosy, E. 2018. First record of Psallus assimilis in Hungary (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae). - Opuscula Zoologica 49: 17–22. pdf
Vétek, G. & Korányi, D. 2017. Severe damage to vegetables by the invasive brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), in Hungary. - Periodicum Biologorum 119: 131–135. pdf
Szöllősi-Tóth, P., Korányi, D. & Vétek, G. 2017. First record of Neodryinus typhlocybae in Hungary (Hymenoptera: Dryinidae) - Folia Entomologica Hungarica 78: 97–100. pdf
Merkl, O., Károlyi, B. & Korányi, D. 2017. First record of Cybocephalus nipponicus in Hungary (Coleoptera: Cybocephalidae) - Folia Entomologica Hungarica 78: 71–76. pdf
Korányi, D., Mezőfi, L. & Markó, V. 2017. First record of the jumping spider Icius subinermis (Araneae, Salticidae) in Hungary. - Arachnologische Mitteilungen 54: 38–40. pdf
Mezőfi, L. & Korányi, D. 2017. The colour pattern forms of the harlequin ladybird (Harmonia axyridis, Pallas 1773) in Hungary and the ecological aspects of its polymorphism. - Növényvédelem 78: 193–205.
Korányi, D., Haltrich, A., Markó, V. & Varga, Á. 2015. Heteroptera community of urban maple trees. - Növényvédelem 51: 363–370. pdf
Varga, Á., Korányi, D., Haltrich, A. & Markó, V. 2014. First record of Deraeocoris flavilinea in Hungary (Heteroptera, Miridae: Deraeocorinae). - Folia Entomologica Hungarica 75: 9–13. pdf